Life is more simple than you think — it merely consists of lows (learning) and highs (mastering). I find the people who do the best are the ones who don’t panic when things aren’t going well, those who are able to see the lows for the lessons they are.
Nothing in life is linear my dear, God never drew the shoreline straight or cut the stones beneath our feet with right angles in mind. Appreciate every breath God has given you as they represent tokens and chances for change. When the tide retreats, it unveils the stones and seaweed embedded in the sand. As the water returns, it once again envelops them. Yet, amidst your delight in the water and foam caressing your toes, do not forget that the stones and flora remain beneath the surface. Life isn’t linear my dear. What goes up must come down and what goes down will inevitably rise again if the lesson is learnt. Your being is merely a self-complicated squiggle trying to right it self. If you like this, you’ll love my novel ‘SHADOWS UNDER A DIPPING SUN’
December 2024
AuthorR.P.FALCONER To receive blog updates, join my mailing list on the 'CONTACTS' page.
CompanyR.P. Falconer