So apparently, I’m an actor now? (He says, his wife rolling her eyes). No, seriously, I just filmed two promo videos featuring none other than moi. The promo videos were made for a new novel I am close to releasing called ‘THE SWEAT’. THE SWEAT - is the first book in a three-part series following a Black British family doing all they can to survive a nationwide infection that transforms everyday people into mindful murderers. ‘THE SWEAT’ strives to add something new to the survival genre by being told mainly from the perspective of a Black female protagonist. The story seeks to explore how easily savagery, cannibalism, racism, bigotry, and open sexual exploitation could rapidly manifest - in a once civilised, first-world nation - where social-judicial filters, guidance and deterrents cease to exist. Click here >>HERE<< to stay up-to-date with THE SWEAT's progress Watch my two promo videos below - featuring the wonderful Horaios, keep up-to date with her on instagram @Miss_unique_individual
December 2024
AuthorR.P.FALCONER To receive blog updates, join my mailing list on the 'CONTACTS' page.
CompanyR.P. Falconer