Went to Belgium
Ate waffles, drank beer, saw a famous naked child statue (holding his private parts), which the people of Brussels saw fit to print on mugs, T-shirts, pens, pants and God knows what ever else. Why? Met some Americans from Kentucky (they were cool). Went for a Sunday morning walk only to discover a strip of road riddled with ladies of the night, and was like…what the H.E. double- hockey- sticks! Left swiftly without incident! Ate more waffles, saw some Japanese tourists (they were cool), ate some chocolate and returned home to London. Bought a guitar Became obsessed with Ed Sheeran's song 'I See Fire'. Felt the urge and extreme, overwhelming need to be able to play said song. So I researched good (cheap) beginner's guitars and purchased a cherry-red Martin Smith from Argos (£50). Really, really nice. I've learnt to play Chords D,A and E…Cool I know! Read the book 'Needful things' Finally read 'Needful things'… Wow!!! Starts a little slow, but god-damn that guy can write. Check it out! Wrote 25,000 words of my new novel One quarter in to my new novel and it's flowing beautifully. A horror set on a holiday resort, it should be out later this year. Join my mailing list or follow/ friend me on social media to stay up to date. Watched the 4th season of 'The Walking Dead' Hhhhmmmm…Your thoughts below. Started running again I always begin my day with writing for two hours before work (from 3am) then running at least five miles. I've had to put the latter on hold due to injury, and a strain of resilient, nuclear, ninja-flu, which both lasted an inconceivable two months, ruling out running all-together. But I'm back and loving it! Got paperback copies of 'Lilif' made Just had paperback copies of the most exciting and extraordinary supernatural thriller the world has ever seen! Available from Amazon, check it out here>>>HERE
December 2024
AuthorR.P.FALCONER To receive blog updates, join my mailing list on the 'CONTACTS' page.
CompanyR.P. Falconer